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CitriDrops Nasal Spray


By Micro Balance Health Products®
1  fluid ounce

Sinus care spray for intranasal mold care.

-Homeopathic, steroid-free, nasal spray
-Designed to soothe and decongest your nasal passages
-Specifically designed to eliminate mold/fungus from your nasal passages
-Safety sealed glass bottle with a pump top

Only 4 left in stock



Dimensions: 1.75 × 1.75 × 5.5 in SKU: MB-CITRI Categories: , Tags: , Availability:

Only 4 left in stock


Ascorbicum Acidum 3x
Citrus Limonum 4x
Sinapis Nigra 4x
Pulsatilla 4x
Luffa Operculata 5x
Berberis Vulgaris 6x
Euphorbium Officinarum 6x
Guaiacum 8x
Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum 12x
Mercurius Sulphuratus Ruber 12x

Inactive ingredients: Benzalkonium Chloride, Purified Water, Sodium Chloride, Xylitol

CitriDrops Nasal Spray is a great stand-alone sinus treatment or on-the-go alternative to nasal rinsing. It can be used when allergy or sinus symptoms arise and/or mold exposure is suspected. It can also be used to extend antifungal and antibacterial protection throughout the day.

Dr. Jill’s Commentary
If you’ve been exposed to a water-damaged building and developed symptoms of any kind, your sinuses need support. As strange as it may seem, even if your symptom isn’t in the sinuses, your sinuses could be the seed of the problem.

After being repeatedly inundated with the toxic indoor air of a moldy building, healthy sinus flora gets transformed from being a happy microbial community to a bad-guy biofilm – bad actors that need to be eradicated. If allowed to persist, biofilm mold and its friends actively off-gas toxins in an attempt to compete with each other. When this happens, we inhale and absorb these toxins into our bloodstream. Where they go from there depends on each person’s individual constitution.

That’s why my answer to the question, “does every mold-sick person need to treat their sinuses?”, is “Yes!” Especially if they’ve scored as a Possible or Probable Mold Sickness on my questionnaire.

CitriDrops Nasal Spray is homeopathic and steroid-free. It’s specifically designed to eliminate mold and fungi from the nasal passages. This FIGHT tool isn’t only about knocking back the bad guys, it also soothes and decongests your nasal passages to help you maintain clear, healthy sinuses.

From The Book
Here are some key points from my book, Break The Mold, so you can see how this FIGHT tool fits into a mold recovery plan.
This picture best describes the steps to recover your health after a toxic mold exposure.

The first solution is to AVOID mold!

AVOIDANCE means getting away from the mold.

FUNDAMENTALS involve specific foods and lifestyle factors that can greatly improve your ability to conquer mold.

PROTECT and REPAIR is accomplished with targeted nutrients to manage the toxic damage from mycotoxin exposure.

FIGHT means conquering fungal overgrowth in your body.



*This statement has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent a disease.

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