My Favorite Foot Bath

When my patients used to ask whether they should try foot baths for detox, I used to shrug and say, “Couldn’t hurt.” I didn’t see the harm but also didn’t believe they helped.
That’s until a patient had a noteworthy response from one single treatment at a health fair. Her symptoms of over 7 years had all but gone. Out of curiosity, I re-ran her labs and was stunned to see that a once stubborn lab marker had normalized. I had to sit up and take notice. As I hit the books to learn more, I became a fan.
To date, therapeutic foot baths have been one of the few things to consistently and reliably reduce weed killer (glyphosate) levels on my patients’ labs.

Safe to use with kids!
The reason I prefer this particular foot bath is that it’s the only one that I’m aware of which has an electrical filter that filters out dirty electricity.
Dirty electricity happens frequently in our grid system. Dirty electricity, also known as electromagnetic interference (EMI), can originate from external sources like power lines, or from inside a property. It can travel throughout a house, and/or to and from your neighbor’s house, reaching every electrical device. It causes “electromagnetic noise” that can interfere with power supplies and cause a variety of abnormalities, including flickering and blinking lights, surges, and voltage and frequency variations.
For a device designed to send a measured, studied amount of frequency and voltage through the device in order to get the desired effect, clearing dirty electricity is an important component.
That’s why this device has a higher price point than other devices, but also why I’m a fan. With the Ion Cleanse foot bath, we get the appropriate frequency and voltage without electromagnetic noise.
I simply see it work better clinically than other devices I’ve tried.
As I write in my book, A Light in the Dark for PANDAS & PANS:
Foot baths work best when the nutritional, electrolyte, movement, and sleep puzzle pieces are in place. Many of us have experienced, however, that you can be doing all the right things and still not improve. If weed killer exposure is the reason, Foot baths might help.
This ain’t your grandma’s foot bath, though—this specific type of foot bath system is required.
This foot bath system uses a pad in a bucket of water that your child rests his feet on. The pad emits a biocompatible frequency to create a field of ionization. This ionized field helps to draw oppositely charged particles from ion channels, opens voltage-gated channels, and stimulates an ion flux across cell membranes. In simple terms, it causes a brief “cell skin” wash.
The environmental exposures involved with PANDAS and PANS create channelopathies, or “clogged” channels. This includes glyphosate, mold, heavy metals, and eEMFs. Excess histamine can do this too.
Different kinds of gunk require different ways to bump it off the cell. The brief on-off polarization during a foot bath allows the cell to clean things up from channels related to electrical frequency rather than molecular tollways.
It also has a relaxing effect.
The water will turn interesting colors. While the technicians may attribute different colors to different maladies, I haven’t found a direct correlation. I think these claims lead to the discounting of the treatment.
The other way people like to discount this treatment is due to the fact that the water will turn colors even if there aren’t any feet in the bucket. Of course it will. Polarizing will affect the ions in the water. If anything, this proves to me the mechanism of action.
For the best effect, this is done every day for 3 days in a row, and then take one to four days off. On the days off, the child takes an electrolyte formula throughout the day and glycine at bedtime. This pattern can be repeated until the weed killer (glyphosate) labs normalize.
Symptoms often improve related to immunity, digestion, and neuropsychiatric symptoms such as anxiety.