Have you been told there’s nothing wrong with you, but you know something’s off?
It might be mold.
More than 1 in 4 buildings have had enough water damage to grow toxic mold.
If this has happened where you live, work, or spend a lot of time, mold could be affecting your health and you don’t even know it.
Use the symptom questionnaire inside to find out.
Be able to spot the symptoms of mold sickness, and then learn what to do about it.
Become your own mold expert.
Break the mold, and take back your health!
“Thank you for your wonderful book – to say that it has been life-altering is an understatement!!”
Joshua L
“Great book. Clear, factual and excellent scientific explanations!”
W Fawcett
“Concise explanation of what needs to get done to clear mold out. Dr. Crista is a godsend to mold sufferers.”
R Roberts
“Dr. Jill Crista’s book has been a lifesaver. She has explained in simple but deeply scientific terms how mold has been effecting my body and she explains in a step by step manner how to heal yourself once exposed. All of my symptoms have resolved and I feel so much more empowered on how to identify healthy spaces for me and my family moving forward. I wish I had read this book years ago. It is really a must read.”
C Koth
“I just finished your book and cannot thank you enough for putting this resource together. It’s such a valuable, practical and well-explained guide. I’ve already recommended it to several patients and some of the MCAS/POTS/EDS communities I’m involved with. I have my own history with mold and it seems to make up a big part of the puzzle for so many of the patients I work with.”
A Walker
“Somehow, the words thank you, for all the amazing work, love and support you’re putting into this world doesn’t even come close to cutting it. It’s people like you that make the world a brighter place. I just finished reading Break The Mold, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhmazing!!!! So much digestible, tangible information and just such a blessing of hope for those of us who struggle, despite doing all the things.”
Lindsay D
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Dr. Jill talks through the 16 Mold Facts everyone should know.
Mold Questionnaire to Identify Potential Mold-Related Illness
What Experts Are Saying
“Dr. Crista has written one of the best “get right to it” books about mold related illness, causes, treatments and most importantly the process of healing. In three decades of helping very ill patients I have come up against mold and mold related illness repeatedly and struggled to find good (and complete) patient resources. ‘Break the Mold’ is just such a resource and I plan to recommend it and use it in our clinics.”
Dr. Paul S. Anderson
co-author of Outside The Box Cancer Therapies
“It’s not a matter of IF – it’s a matter of WHEN you will get sick from mold. It’s everywhere and you need to learn how to spot it, treat it and eliminate it. Break the Mold is the guide to get so mold doesn’t get you. Seriously. Get this book.”
Dr. Ben Lynch
Author of Instant National Bestseller, Dirty Genes
Peek Inside
Safe, reliable and effective tools to conquer mold.
Aflatoxin Q&A with Dr. Crista
Chaetoglobosin Q&A with Dr. Crista
Citrinin Q&A with Dr. Crista
Gliotoxin Q&A with Dr. Crista
Mold Fragments Q&A with Dr. Crista
Mold Spores Q&A with Dr. Crista
Mycophenolic Acid (MPA) Q&A with Dr. Crista
Ochratoxin Q&A with Dr. Crista
Trichothecenes Q&A with Dr. Crista
Zearalenone Q&A with Dr. Crista
Conquer Mold!
Mold can lurk behind walls and under floors, without a trace or scent. If mold is hidden in your environment, it’s affecting you.
Mold causes mysterious symptoms that make it difficult for your doctor to figure out.
I share additional tips on what I learned while recovering from my own home mold invasion.