Vulneraries Part 2

Vulneraries Part 2

Vulneraries are herbs that assist with cell turnover.When a virus infects a cell, the only way to stop the virus from replicating or spreading to neighboring cells is for the body to kill off that sick cell, and let a new healthy cell replace it. This means that we...

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Vulneraries: Why You Need To Know Them

Vulneraries: Why You Need To Know Them

Vulneraries are herbs that specialize in cell turnover, especially of epithelial tissue – meaning the linings of our respiratory passages, blood vessels, gut, bladder, and skin.Why is this aspect important?Because delayed epithelial cell turnover contributes to...

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More Mycotoxins On Your Retest?

More Mycotoxins On Your Retest?

Did you retest your urine mycotoxins and found more mycotoxins on your retest than your first test? Maybe even new mycotoxins are showing up?Are you freaked out and making panic calls??Put the phone down for a sec. Knowing what a test is telling us is part of the art...

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Skin Is The Last Hurrah

Skin Is The Last Hurrah

As we heal from toxic mold exposure, the body – in its wisdom – will clear out the deeper, more critical areas of our bodies and push the clutter to the surface where it can be more easily excreted.It will prioritize moving toxins out of important systems...

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Detox Insanity 😵‍💫

Detox Insanity 😵‍💫

It’s said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.This can happen with detox too!📖 The definition of detox insanity is pushing the body to detox while constipated.If you’re constipated, excreted...

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Gliotoxin Spike

Gliotoxin Spike

Gliotoxin on the rise?You’re not alone. Once you start mold treatment, all the fungi take notice and put up their guards. They put up their guards by making more mycotoxins to defend themselves.Candida is one of these fungi. Candida is a normal resident of a healthy...

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Sourdough Yes or No?

Sourdough Yes or No?

For mold? Maybe not, sadly.As a naturopathic doctor (aka hippy-dippy doctor), I have had the benefit of working with lots of cool hippy-dippy people! People who strive to live healthy lives, take charge of their health, exercise regularly, and grow and make their own...

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Has Mold Made You An Owl?

Has Mold Made You An Owl?

Humans are awake in the day. 🌞Owls are awake aaaaaaaaallllll night. 🦉Is mold making you feel like an owl?Mold disrupts our circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythm is the system, or “drum beat”, that dictates all of our inner workings – energy, digestion, attention,...

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Mold Exposure Can Lead To Myocarditis

Mold Exposure Can Lead To Myocarditis

There’s a lot of talk about myocarditis these days, even in young people. This can also happen from mold. Mold exposure can lead to myocarditis.Myocarditis means inflammation of the heart muscle, and the symptoms can be quite unsettling.❥ chest pain❥ shortness of...

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Is Your Detox Plan Missing This?

Is Your Detox Plan Missing This?

Don’t forget to Nourish!I’m encouraged that more and more people are understanding that detoxification of mycotoxins is an important part of mold recovery. But I’m a little concerned by the trend I’m seeing where all the focus is going toward removal, but the...

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2 “Number 2’s” 💩💩

2 “Number 2’s” 💩💩

Have you ever wondered how Goldilocks and poop are similar?No?…. Just me? 😉🙃It’s the “just right” principle. Not enough daily BMs and you could be reabsorbing mold toxin. Too much and you could be losing necessary nutrients to feed you and your gut immunity.It all has...

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Mold & Anemia

Mold & Anemia

There IS a connection between mold exposure and iron-deficiency anemia. (🔎 even in the scientific literature!)*Mold mycotoxins mess with proteins that drive all kinds of metabolic processes. One way they do this is to slow down our ability to make proteins. This...

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Food Reactions? or Mold?

Food Reactions? or Mold?

Are you reacting to more and more foods? It could be MOLD!Mold mycotoxins cause leaky gut – meaning, normal everyday things that you’ve been able to eat with no problem, suddenly are innocently getting into spaces they never could before. And your immune...

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Candida? or Mold? or Both?

Candida? or Mold? or Both?

Often both.To be clear, not everyone who gets sick from mold exposure gets Candida overgrowth.And not everyone who has Candida overgrowth has mold at the root.But we see them together a lot!Exposure to mold mycotoxins causes a reaction in the body that can lead to a...

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Know your toxin

Know your toxin

Intention is everything.✨And when it comes to the toxins found in damp buildings, intention becomes even more important.Intention helps us determine the level of threat. The more menacing the intention behind the toxin, the more harmful is the toxin.That’s why I give...

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Mycotoxins put the “stall” in peristalsis

Mycotoxins put the “stall” in peristalsis

How does the food you eat move down through your digestive tubes even if you’re upside down?🤸🏽‍♂️Peristalsis!Peristalsis is the organized, synchronous muscle contractions that squeeze food through the intestines to be digested.When working right, the gut tells the...

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When You Become The Sick Building

When You Become The Sick Building

🤔Can you still be sick from a past mold exposure? Even if you haven’t been exposed for years?YES! 😱This is the concept called colonization. It’s when the critters from that moldy building move into your respiratory and digestive passages.Then YOU become the sick...

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Mold exposure can cause a picture similar to that of mesothelioma from asbestos exposure.Symptoms like fatigue, cough, chest wall pain, and shortness of breath can be from mold fragments that are broken up pieces of spores from cleaning up mold.Organ inflammation can...

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Dust Is Like Jimmy Johns For Mold

Dust Is Like Jimmy Johns For Mold

Want freaky fast mycotoxin delivery?Easy, don’t dust.That’s right. Dust is like the Jimmy Johns for mycotoxin delivery. One deep breath in a moldy environment and you’ve just been delivered mycotoxins from the air, pronto.Once considered an innocent nuisance, we now...

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Why Is Mold Bad? It’s Natural!

Why Is Mold Bad? It’s Natural!

Why is mold bad? It’s natural! If you’re confused by this, join the club!As a naturopathic doctor, I cherish nature and her many gifts. I had a hard time understanding why indoor mold was any different than outdoor mold…both are gifts of nature.🍂...

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Accumulation vs Detoxification

Accumulation vs Detoxification

Which mode is your body in? Which direction is your needle pointing?Accumulation OR Detoxification.It can only be to one direction or the other – accumulation of toxins OR getting rid of toxins.Mold pushes the needle to accumulation, which is a...

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ITCHY? A Keynote Symptom of Mold Exposure

ITCHY? A Keynote Symptom of Mold Exposure

One of the keynote symptoms of mold expressed on the skin is 👉🏻itchiness👈🏻. It doesn’t have to be a fungal rash. General itchiness and/or itchy spots where there’s clear skin is commonly seen with mold exposure. My patients have found help with...

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