3 ways mold affects your immunity
Mold’s triple threat to your immune system. Ever wonder how mold secretly sabotages your immunity? Here’s how: 1️⃣ Directly damages your immune cells2️⃣ Genetically rewires…
Mold’s triple threat to your immune system. Ever wonder how mold secretly sabotages your immunity? Here’s how: 1️⃣ Directly damages your immune cells2️⃣ Genetically rewires…
Did you know there are different types of mycotoxins (mold toxins) & they each affect the body differently? I’m doing you a bit of a…
Did you get different mycotoxin results on different labs? If you found different mycotoxin results using different labs, that’s completely expected! There’s nothing wrong with either…
Do I ever use humic and fulvic acid? Yes! And have for quite some time as it highly benefits people struggling with chronic Lyme. Do…
I’m often asked why I don’t use Saccharomyces boulardii (Sacch B.) as a binder. True, there are animal studies that show that Sacch b. can…
Occasionally I’ll use non-food-based binders, especially around times when we know we’re going to “poke the bear”, such as when adding antifungals or antiparasitics. What…
Take food-based binders with food, ideally. What are food-based binders? Things high in insoluble fiber, such as psyllium husk, flax seed, chia seed, bran. Or…
Can you still get better from mold? Yes! I talk non-stop about bile, bile, bile and how you need it to exchange the mycotoxin-loaded oils…
What is the path of inhaled mycotoxins? In a water-damaged building exposure, mycotoxins follow this path: -breath -respiratory linings -soak into blood vessels -go anywhere…
Yes! As people with mold-related illness begin to avoid mold exposure, things can look worse. Why? Our bodies desire health and are designed to expel…
Seasonality matters with detox. If you live in the northern hemisphere, around the end of August is the last call to get on the detox-with-ease train.…
Do you cringe when you get to the section in my book that recommends 5-7 servings of vegetables EVERY DAY? For some people, this many…
Natural medicine is perfectly suited for mold recovery. Pharmaceuticals are not required in most cases. Mold-related illness is not only a spore-based illness, meaning symptoms…
TRANSCRIPT Hey! I want to talk with you about cleavers. I’m out on a walk, kind of a sweaty walk, and just noticed a whole…
Did you retest your urine mycotoxins and found more mycotoxins on your retest than your first test? Maybe even new mycotoxins are showing up? Are…
Gliotoxin on the rise? You’re not alone. Once you start mold treatment, all the fungi take notice and put up their guards. They put up…
🤔 So if mold reduces our ability to absorb Vitamin D, what does that do to lab test results?Does Vitamin D look high or low?…
Don’t forget to Nourish! I’m encouraged that more and more people are understanding that detoxification of mycotoxins is an important part of mold recovery. But…
Have you ever wondered how Goldilocks and poop are similar? No?…. Just me? 😉🙃 It’s the “just right” principle. Not enough daily BMs and you…
The smell and taste of food start the engines of digestion and detoxification. By salivating, chewing our food, and being present to the flavor, texture,…
Bioflavonoids! Bioflavonoids are the compounds in fruits and vegetables that give them color. Animal research shows us that every color band in the rainbow protects…
🤧 Are you starting to develop springtime allergies?Sniffling, sneezing, itching, and tired? It might be mold’s fault. Mold toxins from a water-damaged building can deplete…
Bile can get sludgy with mold mycotoxin exposure. Why? Because mold toxins are dissolved and stored in bile, which can get overwhelmed if there’s more…
Do you know the saying, “missed the forest for the trees?” 🌲🌳🌲🌳🌲🌳 That’s exactly what happened when I was writing my book. I forgot PC!…
There are a few differences between people who are symptomatic from a moldy building and those who aren’t. One key difference? 🗝 The people who…
After mold, one of the nicest things anyone can say about you is that you’re a FAT HEAD! 😲 Really, I’m serious! Brains are one…
There IS a connection between mold exposure and iron-deficiency anemia. (🔎 even in the scientific literature!)* Mold mycotoxins mess with proteins that drive all kinds…
Are you reacting to more and more foods? It could be MOLD! Mold mycotoxins cause leaky gut – meaning, normal everyday things that you’ve been…
Often both.To be clear, not everyone who gets sick from mold exposure gets Candida overgrowth.And not everyone who has Candida overgrowth has mold at the…
Intention is everything.✨ And when it comes to the toxins found in damp buildings, intention becomes even more important. Intention helps us determine the level…
The change in season and sunlight changes our body’s preferred fuel type, and changes our inner body fluids to make them “less runny”. It’s not the…
How does the food you eat move down through your digestive tubes even if you’re upside down?🤸🏽♂️Peristalsis!Peristalsis is the organized, synchronous muscle contractions that squeeze…
🤔Can you still be sick from a past mold exposure? Even if you haven’t been exposed for years?YES! 😱 This is the concept called colonization.…
Mold exposure can cause a picture similar to that of mesothelioma from asbestos exposure. Symptoms like fatigue, cough, chest wall pain, and shortness of breath…
Want freaky fast mycotoxin delivery? Easy, don’t dust. That’s right. Dust is like the Jimmy Johns for mycotoxin delivery. One deep breath in a moldy…
Why is mold bad? It’s natural! If you’re confused by this, join the club! As a naturopathic doctor, I cherish nature and her many gifts.…
Which mode is your body in? Which direction is your needle pointing? Accumulation OR Detoxification. It can only be to one direction or the other…
One of the keynote symptoms of mold expressed on the skin is 👉🏻itchiness👈🏻. It doesn’t have to be a fungal rash. General itchiness and/or itchy…
Why the coffee cravings? Bile movement! Coffee is one of the most powerful bitters on the planet. Bitters such as coffee induce bile flow, which…
I’ve noticed that the discussion on binders for mold treatment is getting very complicated. As nice as it is to know which binder binds a…
The solution to pollution is dilution! And in the case of mold, the pollutants we’re talking about are mycotoxins. Mold toxins are fat-soluble – which…
Old mold symptoms back again? Pay attention. It’s your wise body sending a warning. Former mold symptoms show up pretty quickly if you’ve ever been…
With neurodegenerative conditions, like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Multiple Sclerosis, doctors are still missing mold. Exposure to a water-damaged building can expose you to mold toxins,…
This message goes out to Moldies. Every day, and especially on the shortest day of the year, you must get outside to boost Vitamin D.…
Mold mycotoxins deplete the body of its master antioxidant – glutathione. In true Tolkien homage, I refer to glutathione as ‘the one antioxidant to rule…
Even though I preach that you MUST remove yourself from the mold exposure in order to get better (avoidance, avoidance, avoidance), right now that just…
That’s Dr. Jill Crista’s take-away after testing the water filter on her and others’ refrigerators. One of the most brain-toxic molds grows there: Chaetomium! The…
In a scientific study on binders, kale was shown to be an effective binder for mold mycotoxins – and steamed was the best, most effective…
See what can grow in shoes that were damp for 1 week. See the actual laboratory test results, and learn the health risks from Evan…
Are you an under-breather? One of the most common things I see with my mold sick patients is that their body has brilliantly taught them…
MPA or Mycophenolic acid is a chemical secreted by happily living mold. That’s right – mold farts!💨 Aspergillus and Penicillium mold species – some of…
Lycopene – the red pigment in veggies & fruits. It’s great for moldies because is protects the kidneys and heart from mold toxins. AND it…
Some mold toxins are estrogenic, and not the good kind. Under the influence of a water-damaged building, mold forms mycotoxins that are not only estrogenic,…
Mold mycotoxins stop our bodies from making all of our youth-preserving proteins, like keratin & elastin for skin and hair, and actin & myosin for…
Mold is an endocrine disrupter, which means it messes up normal hormone balance. In men, mold reduces sperm counts and testosterone levels. These effects are…
Dr. Jill Crista explains why restoring sinus health is necessary after exposure to a moldy space – even if you don’t have sinus problems. This…
No binders if you’re bound up! For mold-sickness, don’t supplement blinders if you aren’t pooping. Find out why and learn what to do instead. This…
Recognize this feeling? Do you feel like the rest of the world easily moves throughout their lives while you lag behind? Have you been exposed…
Mold can change your genetic code to make your immune system weak and prone to cancer. Your solution? Change it back! The colorful pigments in…
Mold toxins soak into our fat and store there – causing weight gain, hormone changes, and sensitivities to other fat-soluble toxins. This big fat problem…
Dr. Jill Crista explains why women exhibit symptoms of mold sooner than men. Ladies, you might not like the answer. A hint – women have…
Stop the madness! Am I telling you that if you’ve been diagnosed with a corn sensitivity, it might be from mold – and not corn?…
Did you know that peanut allergies and mold are connected? Watch and find out how. Conquer mold and get your peanut butter back. This content…
If I had a nickel for every time I heard this from a mold-sick person! Okay, big reveal:🔆⚡️mold-related illness is not on the radar of…
If your tests came back showing that you aren’t allergic to mold, does that rule out mold as the cause of your health problems? Watch…
One of these things DOES belong – and it’s not mold. Find out why. This content is health information and not intended as personal medical…
Do you have a hard time “holding your water”? 🚽 When life gives you lemons, do you make clear lemonade? 🍋😉 If you’ve been exposed…
The gullet – aka the esophagus – is the space between your swallow and your stomach. With mold, this area can become a problem. ⚓️…
Dr. Jill Crista describes the role that mold exposure plays in chronic pelvic pain. This content is health information and not intended as personal medical…
Mold is involved in ear ringing in two ways, spores and toxins, especially the mycotoxins. The spores get into your respiratory passages, including your sinuses,…
Breathing air in a moldy space can change your weight. Find out how! This content is health information and not intended as personal medical advice.…
Mold can be one of the causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Watch how. Share this video if you know someone who hasn’t found answers to…
Did you know that mold can cause an overactive bladder? 😳 The toxins can irritate the lining of your bladder, causing little ulcerations, swelling, and…
Mold can hurt our bodies in more ways than previously thought. Dr. Jill Crista shares 7 chronic health problems where mold was found to be…
MPA, or mycophenolic acid, is NOT a mycotoxin. Really!?? Then what is it?👇🏻 It’s a mold metabolite, or what I jokingly call a “mold fart”!…
This content is health information and not intended as personal medical advice. Viewing will not establish a doctor-patient relationship. It is not intended to diagnose,…
This content is health information and not intended as personal medical advice. Viewing will not establish a doctor-patient relationship. It is not intended to diagnose,…
This content is health information and not intended as personal medical advice. Viewing will not establish a doctor-patient relationship. It is not intended to diagnose,…
Here’s a real stumper. Why do fall mold allergies get worse once it starts to freeze? Shouldn’t allergies get better once things are frozen? ❄️…
Dr. Jill Crista takes a look at remediation techniques that work, and those that don’t. TRANSCRIPT Today we’re talking about the remediation method of seal…
Today we’re talking about whether to use the plates, the mold test plates that you can get at any hardware store. And my answer is,…
Today we’re talking about whether you should paint over or fully remediate mold in your house. What do you think my answer is? Paint over?…
Did you know that most doctors only consider mold illness spore illness? Do you know what spore illness is. Spore illness what you would associate…