How Does Mold Make You Sick? Decoding Mold Tricks

Did you know that most doctors only consider mold illness spore illness? Do you know what spore illness is. Spore illness what you would associate with mold illness. Asthma, trouble breathing, chronic sinusitis, sore throat, hay fever, that kind of thing. But guess what? Mold illness is much more than that. Molds create something called mycotoxins. These are little gases that mold secrete to compete out other molds. They find a sweet spot. They find a wet environment and they have the two foods they need the most – moisture and some kind of carbohydrate or food. So when you have mold in that environment, it will want to keep its territory so it secretes this gas and the gas not only kills other neighboring molds, but it also can harm human bodies. That’s the whole essence of toxic mold that you’ve heard of. The terrible black mold. What’s happening is those mycotoxins are getting in. They seep in through the tissues because they are gas. They get through your lungs. They irritate your lungs. They can also affect your liver, your kidneys and your immune system at the DNA level. I wanted you to know from this video blog that mold illness is much more than spore illness.
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