Is mold making
you sick?

Then you’re in the right place for tried and true solutions.

Is mold making you sick?

Then you’re in the right place for tried and true solutions.

We Understand What You’re Going Through

Dr. Jill knows it well, because she’s lived it too. Mold infested her home and made her and her family sick.

Mold is sneaky.

When mold hit her home, she missed it – even though she was working with mold-sick patients.

That’s what mold does. It’s stealthy. It’s one of the great imitators, and can mimic many different kinds of health problems.

That’s why Dr. Jill has made mold education her mission. If she missed it, she’s sure others are too.

We understand that this is something you need to address asap!

Just know this. There are boat-loads of solutions. And you aren’t alone. Millions of people are searching for reliable information about mold every day.

The most common Google search about mold is,

“How can I tell if mold is making me sick?”

That’s actually kind of a tricky question to answer.



Mold and its toxins can harm every body system.


Mold exposure can cause many different symptoms at once.


Everyone reacts differently to mold, even if they have the same exact exposure.


How and when you react to mold depends on your individual susceptibility.

Your First Step Is To Test Yourself

With all these variables, then how do you find out if mold is making you sick?

That question vexxed Dr. Jill as she sat with sick patients. She’s results oriented. She wanted to find a way to identify mold quickly when it was the problem, so that her patients could get going on the right treatment and recover their health sooner.

So she created a questionnaire. She’s refined it to a point to reliably predict mold. Still today, it’s one of her trusted resources for mold diagnosis.

FUN FACT: Dr. Jill’s questionnaire is currently being used in a mold research study.



Test yourself by filling out Dr. Jill’s Questionnaire

Your first step is to find your mold risk score.

Use the questionnaire that Dr. Jill uses with her patients to figure out if mold is to blame for their health problems.

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Dr. Crista’s calm and clear manner of communication empowers you with the knowledge you need to protect yourself and your family’s health while figuring out how to get out of mold.

A.Z. in Seattle

Ready to get started?

Do you already know it’s mold and you’re ready to get started? Check out these resources to take immediate action.

Masterclasses by Topic

with Dr. Jill Crista

A couple taking an onlone course on a laptop

Masterclass style courses for all

Topic-focused courses to support you on your health recovery.


written by Dr. Jill Crista

Print, e-book, and audio

 Clear, actionable information explained in an easy-to-digest way.

Best Sellers

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Mold Multi

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Color Guard

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Moor Mud

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Bile Movers

Vagus Nirvana

Vagus Nirvana

Follow on Instagram @drjillcrista 

Join Dr. Jill on IG! Be a part of her community and get easy-to-digest, bite-sized nuggets of info.

She remembers how hard it was to focus and read when she was sick from mold, so if this is happening to you, we’ve got you covered.

Her short Instagram videos are perfect if you don’t have the energy to do your own deep dive. They’re short and sweet so you can find the answers you’re looking for without wearing yourself out.

This is the concept called colonization ⤵️
It’s when the critters from that moldy building move into your respiratory and digestive passages.
Then YOU become the sick building!
Not everyone gets to this point. But studies show that once you become symptomatic from that sick indoor space, something fundamental changes in your flora, especially in your sinuses.
This is why I use antimicrobials and antifungals in the nose—to knock back the bad guys that don’t belong. This way, you can get back to a balanced, health-promoting micro- and mycobiome.
If you’d like to check out which nasal treatments I like, tap the 🔗 link in bio @drjillcrista to find them.
Park JH, Cho SJ, White SK, Cox-Ganser JM. Changes in respiratory and non-respiratory symptoms in occupants of a large office building over a period of moisture damage remediation attempts. PLoS One. 2018 Jan 11;13(1):e0191165. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone. 0191165. PMID: 29324816
Keep those comments and questions coming. We love them! While the Dr. J team can’t get to all of them and cannot give personal medical advice, it helps us know what you want to hear more about.
#cirs #moldtoxicity #moldtoxicityawareness #toxicmold #toxicmoldexposure #blackmold #moldspores #moldillness #moldillnessrecovery #preventativemedicine
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NEW Mycotoxin Dust Test!
Hayes Microbial Lab tests 25+ mycotoxins including Chaetoglobosin.
You can access this through your favorite indoor environmental inspector (IEP) or your doctor.
Break the mold, take back your health!
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🍊 How low is your vitamin C?
I wish there was a standardized blood test to answer this question. Despite their importance, nutrients don’t seem to be monitored as much as things like cholesterol.
While there are some functional labs that offer levels, most doctors just aren’t familiar with them.
The result? A whole lotta people out there running around deficient in vitamin C.
Thankfully, brilliant minds are worried about this too. Check out an at-home test, taught to me by Dr. Russel Jaffe, referred to as the C Flush.
Dr. Jaffe does this with buffered vitamin C. I’ve also had patients use regular vitamin C, but not Emergen-C or liposomal C.
The liposomal form of C is a good supplement option for mold-sick people since nutrient absorption can be compromised by mold, but it doesn’t work for the “tolerance test”.
And for people sensitive to the synthesized form of C, whole food forms are available with plants rich in C such as camu camu, acerola, and my favorite- rose hips! 🌹
Keep those comments and questions coming. We love them! While the Dr. J team can’t get to all of them and cannot give personal medical advice, it helps us know what you want to hear more about.
#cirs #vitaminc #vitamincrosehip #vitamincseries #preventativemedicine #naturopathicdoctorapproved #naturopathicdoctors #naturopathicdoctor #naturopathicmedicine #functionalmedicine
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