Kids aren’t just little adults. What works for an adult may not work for a very young child, as in the case of nasal sprays.

In this course, Dr. Jill walks you through the mold treatment modifications for infants, toddlers, school-aged children, and adolescents.

You don’t have to figure this out on your own. Get guidance from a doctor, experienced with helping children of all ages conquer mold.

Mold In Kids
Course for Parents

Kids aren’t just little adults
with Dr. Jill Crista

Kids In Mold cover art

“Dr. Jill Crista’s Mold in Kids course will empower you to protect and heal your children following toxic mold exposure. This is a most unfortunate thing to happen to families and children but Jill Crista calmly guides you to take back control and help your child recover their health.” AZ in Seattle


Did you find out that mold is the reason behind your health problems, but you can’t get out?

Frustrating! And possibly paralyzing.

Is there anything you can do?
Is it better to wait to start treatment until you can get away from mold?
What if it’s going to be months before this is possible?

If this is you, Dr. Jill understands. She’s been there.

This course was created just for you.

She shares the 9 things that have helped her patients suffer less, and have a faster recovery once they’re able to move, remediate, or change jobs.

The information in this course will empower you to take smart, decisive action.

9 Things To Know While You’re Still In Mold

What To Do If You Feel Stuck
with Dr. Jill Crista

Still In Mold cover art

Dr. Jill’s course was very informative and practical. What I found most helpful was the way she presented the materials in a very understandable and easy to follow format as well as offering solutions with many common and available items like herbs and spices. A must listen to for anyone was has mold exposure.


Heavy thoughts weighing you down?

Take a 17 minute mini vacation of the mind. You’ll feel lighter and clearer with the thoughts you choose.

Lighter Thought Guided Visualization

Take A Break With Dr. Jill
with Dr. Jill Crista


It’s time to break up with mold!

11 minute guided visualization.
Listen as often as you like.
Access for 1 year.

*best experienced with full-spectrum sound.

Clarity Pep Talk – FREE

Clear the fog, align with your confidence, and find your clarity.
with Dr. Jill Crista