Are Veggies Causing Mast Cell Issues?

Do you cringe when you get to the section in my book that recommends 5-7 servings of vegetables EVERY DAY?
For some people, this many veggies causes more mast cell or histamine reactions. When that’s the case, I think of 2 things: 1 – fungal overgrowth, 2 – molybdenum deficiency.
1 – why fungal overgrowth?
In my experience, mast cells get massively recruited when mold is trying to go from colonization to infection. As the fungus tries to worm its way down with a root, trying to break through your mucosal barrier, the body calls for backup — it calls for mast cells.
Mast cells are an amazingly effective fungal invasion protector. But they come with some downsides.
Mast cells aren’t specific to just the fungi. They’re more like a cluster bomb of inflammation, where nothing survives. Then more mast cells are called for cleanup duty.
What a mess!
2 – why molybdenum deficiency?
Molybdenum is needed to detox many of the mycotoxins, so it becomes depleted. Molybdenum also gets used up when fungi overgrow.
Many people with histamine issues also have sulfur issues. Actually the 2 conditions are quite difficult to tell apart.
Rather than getting in trouble with your mother, address the fungal overgrowth so you can
Eat Your Vegetables!
Are you one of those people when you get to the section in my book about eating 5-7 servings of vegetables everyday you just cringe because you’re going to have more histamine, more mast cell problems, by eating that many vegetables?
If you’re one of those people, it makes me think of two things, antifungals, and molybdenum deficiency.
Why antifungals? Because if your body has a significant amount of fungal burden to the point where you are colonized primarily with fungus, even the carbohydrates in a healthy vegetable will cause that fungus to overgrow. And when it overgrows, it gets cocky and starts to think I’m gonna root down in and become infection. So it tries to root down into your mucosal linings of your respiratory passage, of your gut lining, and that, of course, the body says that’s not gonna happen. If it’s not getting antifungal help from you it calls in back up. The back up, mast cells.
Mast cells are wonderful because they blow up that area where it’s trying to root down so it can’t become infection. But they’re not so great because they’re not specific to fungus and they also kinda come in like a cluster bomb. One mast cell can light a bunch of fires. Which can light a bunch more fires. They can just keep creating this inflammatory soup.
So when you add the antifungals the body doesn’t have to call for that back up.
Why molybdenum deficiency? Because molybdenum gets used up in mycotoxin detoxification. It also gets depleted when you have fungal overgrowth. See the connection there. Also molybdenum deficiency can cause issues with foods that are high in sulfur. So sulfation issues. Which looks a heck of a lot like histamine issues. It’s very hard to tell the difference between a histamine problem and a sulfur problem.
So when we add the molybdenum we get that pathway working again. We get rid of the fungus with the antifungals, or the fungal burden. Then you make your mamma happy and eat your veggies. So you can conquer mold and take back your health!
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