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Springtime Allergies

🤧 Are you starting to develop springtime allergies?
Sniffling, sneezing, itching, and tired?

It might be mold’s fault.

Mold toxins from a water-damaged building can deplete the branch of your immune system that normally handles allergens. When healthy, this immune system brigade easily handles pollens and other allergens. These are seen as a simple annoyances that need to be swept out and cleaned up – the regular house cleaning of our respiratory passages. That’s how some people can seem immune to allergies – they simply have a good working house-cleaning immune branch.

But when this branch of the immune system is worn out by mycotoxins, another branch of the immune system is left in charge of allergens. The other branch is normally in charge of guarding against infection. It’s fully armed and skilled at preventing infection by destroying infected cells. So rather than using a simple sweep to clear allergens, it uses grenades.💥 This immune branch blows up the area with inflammation, irritation, and because we’re talking fungus – ITCHING! Effective, but not comfortable.

So it doesn’t matter what new allergen you may have developed – 🌾pollen, grass, dust, dander, exhaust… if it’s happened since you’ve been exposed to a water-damaged building, it might really be mold. 

Take Dr. Jill’s mold questionnaire and find out.


Are you starting to develop springtime allergies and you never had a problem with them before? Well if you’ve been exposed to a water-damaged building, that could be mold’s fault. 

Mold causes an immune depletion in one particular arm of our immune system. And that arm is usually responsible for surveying our respiratory passages and taking care of high-molecular weight things like pollen. Well that branch of the immune system gets kind of whacked and it becomes deficient. So another branch has to come in and take over and that branch is not necessarily trained in how to handle either mold or pollens. So you get an overreaction causing allergy symptoms.

So if you’re wondering if this could be a problem for you, you can go to mold questionnaire and see if it might be mold. And if it is, you can conquer that mold and take back your health!

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