How Mold Triggers Candida Overgrowth in the Gut and Sugar Cravings

Was that your new year’s resolution?
If you feel worse trying to do a good thing for your body by cutting out sugar, it could be overgrowth of a normal intestinal yeast called Candida.
Guess what makes you more susceptible to Candida overgrowth?
All the principles used to conquer Mold are also effective against Candida.
Conquer Mold to conquer Candida and take back your health.
Hi, Dr. Jill Crista here.
Are you having trouble cutting out sweets?
This time of year is New Year’s resolution time, which means a lot of people are trying to cut down on their intake of sugar. But if you’re trying to do that and having a hard time and actually feel worse when you cut out the sweets, that could look like headache, fatigue, a sense of overwhelm, maybe a little gut disruption. It could be that you actually have candida overgrowth.
You can get candida overgrowth if you’ve been exposed to a water damaged building and mold. Mold increases the chances that you will also have candida overgrowth and that makes it very hard to go off sweets because the candida wants to make sure it gets fed. And when you don’t feed it, it dies, and it can make you feel cruddy. The nice thing is if you do have it, all the principles in my book that work for mold also work for yeast and candida.
So you can break the mold and take back your health.
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