4 reasons your mold protocol may not be working

Maybe mold isn’t actually the problem… but MAYBE you’re on the wrong mold protocol!
Don’t go looking for more things to blame.
If mold made you sick, mold is likely still the core problem. Mold is a stealthy survivor. You need a protocol that’s actually addressing the whole moldy picture.
Here are four reasons why your mold protocol may not be working. ⤵️
1️⃣ Binders Before Bioflavonoids
2️⃣ Taking Binders When Bound Up
3️⃣ Neglecting the Nose
4️⃣ Forgetting Fungal Overgrowth
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Four reasons why your mold protocol may not be working.
Number one. Using binders before bioflavonoids. Should be the other way around. Bioflavonoids double your detox power because they use the kidneys. They enhance kidney clearance of mold toxins. You have two kidneys and only one liver. The liver uses the binder pathway, but the kidneys use bioflavonoids. You could be doubling that power. I use Color Guard as my preferred bioflavonoid blend for this.
Number two. Taking binders when you’re bound up. That means if you’re constipated, if you’re not going one bowel movement consistently every day, you should not be adding a binder. Binders will, if you’re constipated, will just release those toxins and they get recirculated back into your system asking your detox organs to reprocess them over and over again. But with mold, the blockage is higher up at the level of bile. So we use bile movers and actual ox bile to make this switch happen. So I use a product called Bile Movers for this.
Number three. Neglecting the nose. One thing we have learned from testing lots of sinuses and noses is that when people are exposed to a water-damaged building, the biofilm from that building moves into their sinuses. This is a part I see missed a lot, and it makes such a huge difference when we add the intranasal microbiome resetting things like antifungals into that system. All of a sudden then you’re not seeding your whole gut every time you swallow. I like to use CitriDrops as a nice place to start in that category.
Number four. Forgetting fungal overgrowth. A lot of people who have been exposed to a moldy building end up with fungal overgrowth and fungal burden in their body, and when we can correct that microbiome balance, put it back into balance using things like antifungals such as herbal or pharmaceutical we see people improve and a lot of mast cell symptoms chill out.
So these are the four reasons. If you’re looking for a mold breakthrough that you haven’t tried these four things, take a look a my Mold Breakthroughs Bundle and get the solutions you’re looking for so you can conquer mold and take back your health.
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