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umami? or ew-moldy!

When you taste food, you can usually point out the sweet, salty, sour and bitter flavors.

But what is that other part?…that intangible yum that sets a dish apart?

It’s umami!

Umami, derived from Japanese, is the flavor we associate with savoriness.

And guess what adds umami?

Fungi! 🍄

Have you ever had a dinner out that you can remember to this day?

Probably was umami.


if you’re a Moldie, umami that was added from a fungi or fermented source can make you feel bad – even if it was 100% natural.

So what’s a Foodie Moldie to do?

Add seaweed! 🌊 🌱

Sea vegetables are a common food additive by food manufacturers. Food scientists have found that a little goes a long way.

And you don’t even have to eat the actual sea veggie if you don’t like that flavor.

Add it while cooking and remove before serving.

A handy trick to keep your palate saying

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