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Kids Ochratoxin Bundle – Save 10%

Original price was: $100.84.Current price is: $90.76.

Kids Ochratoxin Bundle Includes:
Rose Hips Solid Extract, 2 fl. oz., By Wise Woman Herbals®
Liposomal Melatonin 1mg, 1 fl. oz., Quicksilver Scientific®
ProBiota HistaminX Capsules, 60 caps, By Seeking Health®

Dr. Jill’s top 3 supplements for Ochratoxin in kids.

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Dimensions: 8 × 6 × 6 in SKU: KIDSOCHBNDL Categories: , , Availability:

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Rose Hips Solid Extract, 2 fl. oz., By Wise Woman Herbals®
Liposomal Melatonin 1mg, 1 fl. oz., Quicksilver Scientific®
ProBiota HistaminX Capsules, 60 caps, By Seeking Health®

Dr. Jill’s top 3 supplements for Ochratoxin in kids.

Dr. Jill’s Commentary
Ochratoxin is a “persister” mycotoxin. It binds like glue to a protein in our blood called albumin. This binding makes it really hard for the kidneys to clear it, because we can’t lose very much of that protein – we need it. So the body chooses to keep this necessary protein, even though it means keeping Ochratoxin as well. This can damage the kidneys over time.

So then our bodies try to rely on the backup detox systems, the next one for Ochratoxin is the gut.

The name of the game is to bump Ochratoxin off the albumin protein, repair the kidney damage, and support gut detox.* That’s why these are my top 3 supplements for Ochratoxin.

Rose Hips Solid Extract
Animal research suggests that certain bioflavonoids help to break Ochratoxin’s bond to albumin, allowing the kidneys to more effectively clear this toxin. Specific bioflavonoids, such as those found in Rose Hips, not only free up Ochratoxin to be more easily cleared, they also protect cells throughout the body that have been damaged by Ochratoxin.*

Liposomal Melatonin 1mg
Research continues to point to melatonin as being an important antioxidant for the kidneys, and for Ochratoxin, its paramount. Ochratoxin is a well-established kidney toxin. I’ve found improved protective effects using a lipsomal form. Improved absorption from the liposomal form allows for lower doses to reach the same benefit.*

In kids, it’s important to keep the dose below 3mg to prevent any unwanted effects on puberty.

ProBiota HistaminX Capsules
When the kidneys are overloaded with Ochratoxin, the gut has to come to the rescue to help with Ochratoxin detox. A healthy microbiome, hosting beneficial microbes, is important in healing from Ochratoxin exposure. This powder makes it easy to use with kids.*

Get The Fact Sheet

Download the Ochratoxin Fact Sheet to learn more.
Medical practitioners enrolled in Dr. Jill’s Updates In Mold-Related Illness course have access to the Ochratoxin Technical Sheet with more research and protocol information.


*This statement has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent a disease.