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What about humic and fulvic?

Do I ever use humic and fulvic acid?

Yes! And have for quite some time as it highly benefits people struggling with chronic Lyme.

Do I use it as a binder?

Not really.

I think of this as more of a mineral replacement, as it’s basically just “fermented soil juice”. This method produces minerals in their chelated or “easy to absorb” form.

In my patient base, the people who benefit from humic and fulvic acid:

  • are low in trace minerals
  • have more of a bad bacterial load in their gut and/or their homes than mold
  • have trouble absorbing nutrients from their food
  • may have a chronic infection or parasites

What symptoms lead me to consider using it?

  • weak or peeling fingernails
  • muscle pain or cramping, especially after exercise
  • crave salt
  • decreased immunity/frequent illness
  • heart palpitations
  • numbness or tingling sensations

My long-time favorite source is from Mother Earth Labs. I prefer it in liquid form (because poor absorption is these people’s issue) and stored in glass so there’s no migration of plastic binding up the chelated minerals. And it tastes bland, so kids will take it.

Granted, there are some studies about humic and fulvic acids binding mycotoxins. But that’s direct binding of mycotoxins in food.

In a water-damaged building exposure, mycotoxins are inhaled and make it into the bloodstream. Then the liver packages them in bile before they’re sent to the intestines. So our focus is to bind bile. I find insoluble fiber to do a much better job at that, things like psyllium husk, ground flax seeds, and bran.

Because this is a product of fermentation, some mold-sick people have reactions to it in the early phases of “breaking the mold”. So just listen to your body. It usually is easily added (if needed) a little bit at a time.

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