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Mold exposure can cause a picture similar to that of mesothelioma from asbestos exposure.

Symptoms like fatigue, cough, chest wall pain, and shortness of breath can be from mold fragments that are broken up pieces of spores from cleaning up mold.

Organ inflammation can follow mycotoxin exposure.

If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, but never had an asbestos exposure, rule out mold.

“Mold-othelioma” – it’s like mesothelioma – from mold. If you’ve been exposed to mold spores, and specifically, spore fragments…
so that’s a former mold problem that maybe you tried to do a DIY cleanup or maybe some contractor found mold when they were
doing a remodel and broke up all that dried mold into teeny tiny little fragments and pieces.

These fragments can get deep into the lungs and they can lodge there, just like asbestos, and they can cause constant irritation of your lung tissue and all the linings of your organs.

So if you have both fragments and mycotoxins you can have a picture that looks exactly like mesothelioma, only for mold and mold fragments and mycotoxins – that’s why I call it “Mold-othelioma”.

Symptoms? Shortness of breath, chest wall pain, fatigue, cough, and then just generalized swelling of the organs of your body.

If this is happening to you – you have symptoms of mesothelioma but you do not have an asbestos exposure history – check out mold. You can break the mold, and take back your health.

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