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Mold Starts In The Nose

The nose is our first interface with a damp or water-damaged building through the air.

Studies show that those at more risk for developing asthma from a mold exposure are those who had chronic rhinosinusitis – which looks like:

  • runny nose
  • blow your nose frequently
  • stuffy nose
  • post-nasal drip
  • clear your throat often
  • sinus pressure
  • frequent sinus infections

When people with chronic fatigue from mold exposure are compared to healthy people, the sick people had mycotoxins in their nose.

In my practice, mold also ENDS in the nose. I use intranasal treatments in addition to whole-body antifungals (given at the right time) to reset the sinunasal microbiome.

To get my handout, Nasal Options for Mold, go to

*Park JH, Kreiss K, Cox-Ganser JM. Rhinosinusitis and mold as risk factors for asthma symptoms in occupants of a water-damaged building. Indoor Air. 2012 Oct;22(5):396-404. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0668.2012.00775.x. Epub 2012 Mar 21. PMID: 22385263.


Mold starts in the nose.

So I just read a study that showed there’s a clear connection for people who develop asthma from a damp or water-damaged building exposure, not just from the mold exposure but also because they had chronic rhinosinusitis. That’s not necessarily only sinus infections and clogged sinuses, that’s drippy nose, blow your nose a lot, clear your throat a lot. Anything going on here that isn’t ideal clear, clean breathing tubes, that could be that mold has fundamentally changed the microbiome of your nose. 

Dr. Brewer’s study showed when we test everybody, healthy people and sick people, people who’ve been made sick from mold and water-damage building exposure, everybody has fungus in their sinuses. So big deal. Mere presence of the fungus is not the problem. In the sick people, different from the healthy people, they found mycotoxins in those washings. Healthy people don’t have mycotoxins. So something changes and what that first something is, is this is where you first interface with that damp and water-damaged building outgassing. So the chemicals, the mycotoxins, that kind of thing. 

So in my practice mold also stops in the nose. This is how we conquer mold and take back your health. Using intranasals in combination with whole-body antifungals helps to not only take care of the downstream things from breathing in those toxins, but corrects where it started in the first place.

So you can conquer mold and take back your health.

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