What Happens if a Tick Bites You? Urgent Care Tips

Urgent care tips for tick- and vector-borne infections:
- You can still have Lyme disease if you didn’t develop a rash.
- The doctor should check your whole body for rashes — even in hair, behind ears, between toes, in the groin and butt cracks…everywhere!
- Physical exam should include checking ALL joints for synovitis.
- Lyme disease is a diagnosis based on SYMPTOMS ONLY!
- No lab test is required to access adequate treatment.
- The current Lyme test catches only 1 of 12+ strains of Lyme Borrelia, and misses all the strains of tick-borne relapsing fever Borrelia.
- The current 2-tier model is outdated.
- At the very least, a Western blot should be ordered without what’s called a ‘reflex’ based on the screening test.
- The Lyme test used in urgent care does not turn “positive” for 4-9 weeks, so:
- The lab test used in urgent care tests your immune system reaction (antibodies). It does not test for the presence of the infective agent (antigen).
- If the screening test is positive for Lyme at your urgent care visit, either your bite was longer than 4 weeks ago, or this is a reactivated infection. Either way, it needs treatment.
- A single dose of doxycycline is NOT sufficient treatment for tick borne infections.
- Treat presumptively if symptomatic, especially in Lyme-endemic areas.
- Test for co-infections based on incidence data for your area. Check tickreport.com for a good map.
- I prefer to use herbs when using Rx’s to reduce bacterial resistance and reduce side-effects.
- I also use things like vitamins E and C, fish oil or Resolvins, and enzymes to reduce thick blood seen with tick borne infections.
- Borrelia grow slowly, so treatment needs to last a minimum of 60 days in order to be effective.
- Don’t stop treatment until fully free of symptoms.
ps – sorry for my confusing phrasing about prescription antibiotics and herbs. I don’t always use prescription antibiotics, but when I do, I always combine with herbs.
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