Solve Salicylate Sensitivity

Click on the ⬆Materials tab to access course resources.


Salicylate Action Plan

Presentation Slides

Urine Mycotoxin Test Prep

Sensitivity to Salicylates in food

Mycotoxin Fact Sheets


Rupa Health Salicylate Bundle link is forthcoming

Vibrant Urine Mycotoxin Test link is forthcoming


Dr. Jill’s Fullscript dispensary sign up (For class enrollees only. Sharing of this information is strictly prohibited.)

Dr. Jill’s Fullscript Salicylate Rescue Pack

Homeopathic Vasopressin password MYDOCTORRXD (all caps)- Sharing of this information is strictly prohibited.

DHA Absorb



Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson