The trusted name in mold-related illness diagnosis and treatment, Dr. Jill will shine a light on your healing path.

The trusted name in mold-related illness diagnosis and treatment, Dr. Jill will shine a light on your healing path.

Is Mold Making You Sick?

Fill out Dr. Jill’s Clinical Questionnaire to get your mold score.

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Who Is Dr. Jill Crista?

Dr. Jill Crista is a leading expert at the forefront of mold-related illness diagnosis and treatment. Her superpower is to make complex medical concepts simple and digestible for the average person.

Dr. Jill is a pioneering naturopathic doctor, best-selling author, devoted educator, and creative innovator. She’s passionate about empowerment. Her resources support those wanting concrete steps to conquer health challenges.

Dr. Jill focuses on conditions that cause injury to the brain and nervous system, including mold, PANS/PANDAS, Lyme disease, and concussion.

Clear Paths

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I’m a healthcare practitioner and I want to help my patients with mystery symptoms.


I’m sick with mystery symptoms and I want to know if it’s from mold.

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