Training Course For Medical Practitioners

Integrating the best of science and experience to provide effective treatment for PANDAS and PANS.

“Unbelievably helpful! A masterclass on PANDAS and PANS covering neuroimmunity, environmental shockers and treatments with practical clinical application.”
-Dr. Ken

PANDAS & PANS: An Integrative Approach

Training Course For Medical Practitioners

with Dr. Jill Crista

Screen grab of PANDAS & PANS: An Integrative Approach

What You Get

  • Over 10 hours of professional continuing medical education (10 AMA PRA Category 1 credits™ available)
  • Supported by over 300 peer-reviewed published references
  • Quizzes throughout to confirm and contribute to your overall learning
  • PDF of all slides
  • Medication-Supplement Compatibility Reference Chart
  • Patient handouts
  • Access for 1 year
  • Bonus lectures from Dr. Neil Nathan on Limbic/Vagal Dysfunction and the Cell Danger Response

What’s Covered

  • Symptoms
  • Mechanisms
  • Diagnostics
  • Conventional treatment approach
  • Integrative treatment approach
  • Recovery Essentials
  • Cases

Earn Continuing Medical Education Credits

AMA PRA Category 1 credits


Licensed Naturopathic Doctors

American Association of Naturopathic Physicians — 10 total; 7.5 general, 1.5 Pharmacy, 1.0 Ethics

For all other practitioner types, check with your licensing body to ensure these qualify as continuing education credits for your professional license.

Who’s This Course For?

All medical providers serving kids with PANDAS, PANS, or basal ganglia encephalitis.

Improve your clinical confidence.

“Dr. Crista never disappoints. It’s clear she does her research and has years of experience.”

Immediately Actionable Information

Get actionable information, clinical tools, and confidence in your next step.

A Useful Patient Resource

Dr. Jill’s book, A Light in the Dark for PANDAS & PANS, is a useful patient resource to save you time explaining these conditions in the clinic.

Get Invited to Case Mentorship Meetings

Stuck on a case? Eligible CME/CE course graduates are invited to periodic case mentorship meetings.

Commonly Misdiagnosed

The PANDAS Network estimates that 1 in 200 children are affected by PANDAS/PANS, and that it’s commonly misdiagnosed.

Learn how to address the contributing causes and apply integrative treatments.

Featured On

Better Health Guy Podcast, PANDAS and PANS

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you talk about only herbal protocols or do you talk about medications?

Both! As a medically trained Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Jill’s approach to treating PANDAS and PANS is truly integrative. In the course, she covers the conventional treatments, natural treatments, and then how to safely and effectively integrate them. This is a comprehensive, evidence-informed course full of research, novel uses of medications, and powerful but safe treatment combinations.

Do you offer a refund if it’s not what I thought I was signing up for?

Yes, we offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, as long as not more than 25% of the course modules or handouts were viewed or downloaded. We’re happy to share our video view and download logs on request.

How long do I have access to the course?

You have one year from sign up to complete the course.

Can anyone take this course even if they aren’t a doctor?

Yes. Anyone is welcome to take the course to build their knowledge base. It’s intended for those that fit the definition of primary care provider; therefore, the content is at a level consistent with professional continuing medical education.

Continuing education certificates are only available to those who enroll in the CME/CE Credit option.

A Paradigm Change in Mental Health

PANDAS and PANS exemplify how a body problem can cause changes to the brain and its function. Medicine is still catching up to that reality. In the meantime, children are falling through the cracks and not getting appropriate treatment.

Help these kids who are falling through the cracks.

Color Guard TM square

#1 Mistake: Binders Before Bioflavonoids

Bioflavonoids are the first priority for mold recovery, not binders. Why? Bioflavonoids help the kidneys efficiently filter out unwanted mold mycotoxins. Binders work on liver detoxification.

Why does that matter? You have 2 kidneys and only 1 liver. By enhancing kidney clearance of mycotoxins, you double your detox power. With 25% of the population having genetic changes that impair liver detoxification, why rely on the liver alone?

Maximize mycotoxin detox. Use the bioflavonoids in Alight Health's Color Guard before binders to speed recovery while protecting your organs of detoxification.

Bile Movers

#2 Mistake: Taking Binders When Bound Up

If you're taking a binder while constipated, you're making your mold problem worse.

Binders only work if they can keep their bond and carry the mold toxins out in your poo. If your bowels are sluggish, that bond breaks, and the mold toxins get released exactly where we don't want them - in the gut - where they can do serious damage.

Constipation from mold occurs from lack of bile flow. We can fix that with things that make and move more bile - the very stuff that "binds" mold toxins. Alight Health's Bile Movers keep the flow going so you can get rid of the mycotoxins that are excreted through bile.

Citridrops square

#3 Mistake: Negating the Nose

One of the most often missed parts of an effective mold protocol is forgetting to address the sinus invasion of fungi, bacteria, and toxicants.

Your first interface with a moldy building is through your breath, and your sinuses take the biggest hit.

Then the nasal colonies seed bad-guy gut colonies into your gut every time you swallow. Shut down the bad guys at the source - in the sinuses - with Micro Balance Health Products® CitriDrops Nasal Spray.

Bile Movers

#4 Mistake: Absent Antifungals

The flora that protects your respiratory and gut passages have a very difficult time staying in balance under the influence of toxic indoor air.

Mold and mycotoxins induce your sinus and gut flora to become a pathogenic biofilm, hosting a range of unwanted microbes.

Antifungal herbs help to restore balance. Empirical Labs' Yeast Ex includes herbs with action against fungi and unwanted bacteria, as well as gentle detoxification support.

“Love the clinical pearls. Excellent educational presentation.”

Mold Questionnaire to Identify Potential Mold-Related Illness