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Long Haul

Long Covid can occur from persistent infection and/or continuous manufacture of the spike protein.

I’ve listed below what I’m seeing help to resolve Long Covid, but I want to hear from you too. Let’s figure this out together!

If something isn’t listed below or you used a different dose, please share it by adding a comment. We’ll keep this page active so you and yours can reference it when you need to. Please list as many details as possible so your helpful tool can be actionable.

I’ll start! 

(Note that it’s not necessary to use all of these — sometimes two or three things move the needle. However my patients with more impairment do require a number of these things at once to gain full recovery. If things aren’t starting to improve within 2 weeks, we expand the protocol. Of course treatment should be adjusted around a person’s sensitivities. That’s why we need a comprehensive list, so we have many options.)


Of all the interventions, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has been the consistent slam dunk. Pressures and durations vary, but this modality rocks for long haul recovery.

Diet ~

Pasture-raised chicken eggs.

  • While the studies were in vitro and they concentrated the antibodies from the yolks, eggs are a perfect whole food, so it couldn’t hurt.1

Local honey. 

  • One multicenter placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial (RCT) used 1gram/kg body weight (about 2-3 Tbsp for adults) for 30 days.2
  • Note that even though Honey showed protective effects in cell studies, it was co-administered with Black Cumin (Nigella sativa) in many clinical studies, so it’s difficult to discern either’s solo effect.
  • Take in moderation if you struggle with candida overgrowth from mold.2

Homeopathy ~

Snake remedies are working very well to resolve Long Covid symptoms in my patients. I choose the remedy based on their unique presentation. Top 4 working in my practice:

  • Lachesis, Naja, Crotalus, and Bothrops. 30c or 200c.

Nasal ~

Vitamin A swabs for loss of sense of smell. 

  • Genestra A-Mulsion. 1 drop (=3,000mcg) each nostril twice daily.

Povidone Iodine (PI) swabbed in nostrils as preventive or after suspected exposures.

  • Study on nurses using 10% solution every other day for 7 days, reported that all patients but 1 had negative viral titer by day 3. 3

Propolis nasal spray. After suspected exposures and for treatment of symptoms.2

  • NaturaNectar Nasal Guardian or ManukaGuard. 1 spray each nostril 1-3 times daily.

Synapsin nasal spray. Ginsenosides improve brain fatigue related to neuroinflammation.4

  • 1 spray each nostril 1-2 times daily. 
  • *Requires a prescription from a compounding pharmacy.

Enzymes ~

Enzymes have potential to break down (degrade) the spike protein.5

  • Nattokinase. 1/day away from food.
  • Bolouke or Lumbrokinase. 1/day away from food.
  • *Higher doses are typically required for those with hypercoagulability signs/labs.

Herbs and Nutrients ~

Bitters. 5 drops on the tongue before meals.

  • Bitter taste receptor stimulation modulates the immune cells that are particularly hit hard from the vaccine.6

Vitamin D. 

  • Studies are stating that SARS-CoV-2 virus can downregulate vitamin D receptors (so do mold mycotoxins.) 
  • Unfortunately, the takeaway is “well then, supplementation won’t work.” I believe that’s the wrong deduction. I have found quite the opposite. Supplementation is needed even mores if its absorption is blocked, and doses need to be high to raise blood levels (due to needing to re-upregulate receptors.)
  • I dose my patients to lab levels of 60-90ng/ml, and find that liposomal forms increase levels most quickly.

Vitamin C. 3,000-5,000mg daily.

  • Liposomal is being tolerated well for my mold-sick patients who have gut reactions to ascorbic acid.
  • Or seek out whole-food sources such as Pure Radiance C by Pure Synergy.
  • IV administration is preferred, using “low” nutritive doses up to 25 grams per treatment. (High dose IVC above 20 grams has a different effect.)

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC). Mitigation of cytokines, which may assist with the prothrombotic state.7

  • 500-750mg once to twice daily. Best taken away from meals, but not necessary.

Andrographis. “The king of the bitters” was adopted by the government of Thailand as a Covid treatment early on in the pandemic. It has additional activity against Epstein-Barr virus.

  • Andrographis capsules by Supreme Nutrition. 1-2 capsules taken once to twice daily.
  • I have observed that this works particularly well for vaccinated patients who get extra-pulmonary (more than lung) symptoms from Covid exposure. I believe the mechanisms laid out in studies explain how it appears to be preventing cell-to-cell spread (aka infection persistence.) 8

Bifidobacteria probiotic. 

  • ProBiota Bifido by Seeking Health. 1 capsule daily.
  • Reduced Bifidobacterium and other microbiome changes are being seen in post-Covid long haul.9
  • Additionally, patients with higher Bifidobacterium had fewer negative effects from the vaccine. 10
  • This important butyrate-producing probiotic (especially important for infants) is being completely eliminated over time in post-vaccinated patients according to clinical findings by top gastroenterologist  Dr. Sabine Hazan of ProGenaBiome. 
  • Her Scientific Poster Presentation was awarded Best Research Award at the annual meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology.

Zinc, quercetin, and elderberry seem to work better for infection/prevention than long Covid in my patient base. Licorice may be helpful for adrenal burnout after Covid. But let’s hear your experience.

Medications ~ (require a prescription)

Thymosin-alpha-1 peptide injections.

  • In acute Covid, the study group had significantly shorter SARS-CoV-2 RNA shedding duration (13 vs. 16 days, p= 0.025) and hospital stay.11
  • In long haul, it appears to be restoring T-cell function according to Lymphocyte MAP tests by Cyrex labs.

Ivermectin. Ivermectin has been hit or miss with my patients. It’s possible the doses have been too low, but I believe it’s best effects are seen when used in combination.

  • Reference the website for current protocols.

Hydroxycholoroquine. Particularly helpful for those with tick borne Babesia reactivations post-Covid.

  • 200mg once to twice daily. Used safely for years by Lyme doctors for Babesia infection.

Low-dose Naltrexone (LDN). Helpful for those with autoimmunity and/or neuroinflammation.

  • 0.25mg – 4.5mg at bedtime. May cause vivid dreams for the first week or so.

Methylene blue. Helpful for deep fatigue related to mitochondrial dysfunction.

  • Dosing is highly individualized and determined by weight. Due to the sensitivity of my patients, I start at one-quarter the typical dose and titrate up slowly, if needed.
  • *Methylene blue has drug interactions with anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications.
  • *Methylene blue will falsely lower many urine mycotoxin results when using Great Plains and Vibrant labs.

Lung Treatments ~ (require a prescription)

*Please do not directly nebulize anything directly into your lungs through your mouth unless it’s been made by a compounding pharmacy. Products sold over-the-counter are NOT safe for tender lung tissue.

Nebulized Glutathione
Nebulized NAC
Can be used in combination.

Okay, now you go! Please add a comment and let others know what’s working.

Inspire health,
Dr. Jill

PS –
If you have long Covid and haven’t yet found relief, I suggest seeing a Lyme-literate doctor, as they are well versed in addressing the commonalities between the two critters, such as persistent infection, hypercoagulability, mitochondrial dysfunction, and immune depletion.

20 responses to “Long Haul”

  1. Seroya Pauline Crouch ND Avatar

    NOSODE: I have used COVID nosode from Viatrexx 2 spays 2-3 times a day for about 2 weeks for fatigue and minor symptoms or longer until symptoms subside. It has worked a treat so far! I have not had any severe long COVID cases so far among my patients. I also use it for prevention dosed 2 sprays once a week.

    VITAMIN D: One patient I was referred with severe long COVID had a Vitamin D of 3 (yes, 3) after her acute infection! She is a vegan and lives mostly indoors and has darker skin and lives in the NE (45degress latitude) so she is more at risk for low D. The docs in Boston who were treating her completely ignored it. When I first saw her she could not work and was mostly bedridden. She was skeptical about repletion dosages for Vitamin D since there is so much misinformation out there about toxicity. So she tried a low dose- about 5,000 IU per day. She gradually improved, but I do not believe that she completely improved. She was unwilling to do any more treatment or consultations due to her insurance not covering it.

  2. Seroya Pauline Crouch ND Avatar

    NOSODE: I have used COVID nosode from Viatrexx 2 spays 2-3 times a day for about 2 weeks for fatigue and minor symptoms or longer until symptoms subside. It has worked a treat so far! I have not had any severe long COVID cases so far among my patients. I also use it for prevention dosed 2 sprays once a week.

    VITAMIN D: One patient I was referred with severe long COVID had a Vitamin D of 3 (yes, 3) after her acute infection! She is a vegan and lives mostly indoors and has darker skin and lives in the NE (45degress latitude) so she is more at risk for low D. The docs in Boston who were treating her completely ignored it. When I first saw her she could not work and was mostly bedridden. She was skeptical about repletion dosages for Vitamin D since there is so much misinformation out there about toxicity. So she tried a low dose- about 5,000 IU per day. She gradually improved, but I do not believe that she completely improved. She was unwilling to do any more treatment or consultations due to her insurance not covering it.

    Vaccine reactions: I have had a number of patients who developed mild to severe reactions to the vaccine, some with longer term consequences. I have used Viatrexx remedies made from Moderna and Pfizer vaccines and from graphene (the delivery system). These have worked usually within a few days to 2 weeks.

  3. Ambie Hay Avatar
    Ambie Hay

    I’ve never had COVID but I was recently exposed to black mold. I tried everything to get rid of a persistent fungal infection in my sinuses. It was so bad I was fainting because it was affecting my trigeminal nerves. By continued research and trying different treatments I came upon CitriDrops. It contains grapefruit, lime, tangerine, and lemon seed extracts. I tried just the grapefruit seed extract but it didn’t work. The combination of the four seed extracts is really working! I wanted to share in hopes this will help others.

  4. Marty Avatar

    My teen son has had severe Long Covid almost 2yrs. His symptoms are extreme fatigue, brain fog, hot flashes and insomnia. Thanks for this list!! Is there someone you can recommend in North Carolina or any specific recommendations? We have tried so many things. Thanks!!

    1. Jessica Avatar

      DNRS (brain retraining) helps a lot of people with long covid! Among many other health issues. Science of neuroplasticity (also used to help stroke victims learn to talk again, etc.)

  5. Nichole Krueger Avatar
    Nichole Krueger

    I’m going to try the Genestra A-mulsion, but is that dose correct? 10ml = 2 tsps, which would mean 2 tsps of liquid in each nostril each day. Just want to confirm that I’m understanding correctly.

  6. Sara Avatar

    I have used nicotine gum with success for recovering from Covid. It is also known to help if people lose their sense of smell. Nicotine gum – four times per day for a week – crack the gum then lodge it next to the gums. This was something I learned from listening to Dr. Bryan Ardis.

  7. Rosemary Monroe Avatar
    Rosemary Monroe

    I have been doing bee venom therapy for my long Covid.

  8. Phillip Avatar

    Eureka just released their database, some pretty interesting results:

    If you sort on “% Significantly Improved” interesting to see carnivore diet and apheresis at the top of the list. Also highly-ranked are fasting, serrapeptase, HBOT, maraviroc, ivermectin, niacin.

    Also sort on “% Worsened”… alcohol and caffeine are at the top

    @Dr. Crista – this page you built is great! Consider adding a “things that make people worse” section.

    As for me, Ivermectin provided a significant benefit within a few days, but I didn’t take it for very long and some of the symptoms came back. I probably should have taken it longer, or/and a higher dose. I found Maraviroc helpful when I did the full dose for 6 weeks (2nd try). The first time I only did a half dose for 2 weeks and didn’t notice much. HBOT was helpful. 4-day fasting with celery juice and bone broth (dinner only) was helpful. Liver/gallbladder cleanses have been helpful. CDS has been really helpful, the best I’ve felt for sure was on CDS. 1 month on nigella sativa was helpful (I never tried raw honey but that sounds like a good combo). CoQ10 has been helpful, and niacin, and lions mane. Glutathione and NAD suppositories have helped.

    REMOVING alcohol and caffeine (soo sad) has been helpful for sure.

  9. Lisa Avatar

    Acupuncture, lymphatic drainage. Cutting out gluten and dairy

  10. Robert Marasti Avatar
    Robert Marasti

    I had Covid that lasted five weeks in January 2021. The symptoms were a bad cough…BAD, and lightheadedness anytime I did any kind of movement. I was taking heavy doses of natural supplements suggested by my naturopath. After eight days of hard coughing, she suggested prednisone.
    That knocked 90% of the cough out in three days. I’m sure the supplements helped, but I needed the prednisone for the cough. She also gave me a couple water treatments that helped. One was very noticeable. Get a towel that will cover you from hip bone to neck, soak it with cold water, then ring it out. Take a hot shower, don’t burn yourself, get out and pat dry…fast. Have your bed ready. Get in bed, lay on your back, cove your upper body with the towel and pull the covers over you. Lay there for 20 minutes. It sounds like a lot, but the results had me going back every day. When I was done, the lightheadedness was gone for most of the day, or until I did something physical.
    My recommendation is prednisone for the cough, and water treatment for lightheadedness. Another thing, when you think you’re better, you’re probably not. Give yourself extra time, and come back slowly..

  11. Troy Pearse Avatar
    Troy Pearse

    I have had long covid for 3 years. Initial symptoms included heart issues (palpitations, tachycardia, POTS), “brain fog” (cognition impairment, visual cortex issues, memory problems), mood issues (deep depression, anger, anxiety), sleep issues; GI issues, fatigue, severe histamine intolerance (MCAS) and ringing in the ears. 

    Prior to long covid I was very healthy.  Tests during long covid showed my ANA was positive for RA; an echocardiogram showed I had blood clots in my heart; during palpitations I had an aFib heart rhythm; my blood brain barrier was “leaky” (covid has been shown to break down the BBB and enter the brain);  and I had a moderate amount of black mold in my system.

    I have been working with multiple functional, naturopathic, osteopathic, doctors along with acupuncture.  Right now I estimate I am 80% better. My remaining symptoms are mood (“lack of joy”, anxiety), ringing in the ears, some lower GI issues and increased inflammation in my joints.  Here are things that have helped me on my healing journey, in the order I tried them.
    Identifying and avoiding food intolerances reduced my heart palpitations.

    Started Amy Myers AutoImmune supplement stack (from her Autoimmune solution book). 

    I have tried several probiotics, and although I am sure they were helpful I can’t say I noticed any direct benefit.

    Added electrolytes, which helped my POTS.

    Used a FitBit to monitor sleep, heart rate and heart rate variability.  Worked on my sleep including taking melatonin and 5htp, going to bed early, wearing a sleep mask. 

    Did cold soaks in the river (during the summer). Helped my tachardia.

    36 hour fasts every other week. Helped lower my heart rate.

    At this point cardiologist scans (MRI, CT) showed the blood clots in my heart were gone and it was healing. The cardiologist agreed to not do blood thinners or beta blockers as long as my palpitations (and associated aFib) continued to decrease. A follow on echocardiogram and heart stress test indicate my heart is now functioning normally.

    Low Dose Immunotherapy helped until I had an immune challenging event a month later (food allergy cross contamination) which caused my long covid symptoms to flare. Additional LDI didn’t help and showed my immune system was over-reacting to other “leftovers” in my system, including lyme.

    Did a 2 week course of Fluvoxamine (as specified by the FLACC). It really helped my brain fog for a while.

    H1/H2 blockers gave me some relief early on, but stopped working as my MCAS got worse.  I tried a low histamine diet for several months. It prevented histamine issues, but any small deviation caused a flare.

    The MCAS, ANA and LDI results were all evidence my immune system was upregulated (something that is documented to be an issue for many people with long covid). About 18 months into Long Covid I decided to do a prolonged water fast to help “reset” my immune system and heal the blood brain barrier. I did an 18 day medically supervised water-only fast followed by acupuncture focused at healing the blood brain barrier. About 6 weeks after the fast my brain fog started going away and my histamine sensitivity was gone.  My ANA has tested negative twice in the last year (after testing positive 3 times in the first 18 months). My symptoms have remained improved for a year.

    I did a mold detox with a functional Dr (and using Crista’s Break The Mold book) for 6 months. Note that my visual cortex issues influenced by the black mold had already gone away after fasting as my blood brain barrier healed and was able to keep the toxin out.

    My remaining symptoms point to autonomic nervous system dysfunction from being in “fight or flight mode” for 3 years and neural inflammation from covid and the black mold. I have started low dose naltrexone and am looking to add some polyvagal therapy (the Safe and Sound Protocol) to help get out of the “fight or flight” mode.

    1. Amy Avatar

      Hi Troy! Did you ever faint? I think the vagus nerve plays a vital part in that. Did you have your cervical spine checked for vagal compression? Any loss of taste and smell? You have been through the ringer. I survived covid okay 2 years ago with the exception of taste and smell. Then a subsequent flu has messed me all up again. Thanks for telling your story.

      1. Troy Avatar

        Got light headed while fasting, which is common. Was careful standing up and never fainted. I agree the vagus nerve is vital. Never got checked for vagal compression. No loss of taste and smell at all. I had a lymphatic massage while fasting and that therapist told me that several people suffering from loss of smell had improvement after lymphatic drainage massage on the face to help clear cellular debris. Something to consider.

  12. Vanessa Avatar

    I’ve been dealing with long Covid syndrome since September 2021. (The past 19 months) My entire family had tested positive via PCR testing. I was the last one in my family of 5 (ages 13 to 65 yrs old) to come down with symptoms over the course of a week. We all started IVM when our tests came back positive. None of us have been vaccinated. I felt extreme exhaustion and fatigue, was winded and out of breath, my back was sore and achy, had nausea/vomiting and really bad sinus inflammation/congestion (no mucus was present, just dry). No headache, no fever, no coughing but my oxygen levels were really good at 98 the entire time. By the end of the third week I was still feeling exhausted and out of breath, and wasn’t improving like the rest of my family. And that’s when new symptoms started presenting themselves. I developed a mild rash on my chest, neck, face and upper back and started having difficulty falling asleep. Never experienced insomnia before ever in my life (I’m 42 yo). I worked full time in the pharmacy and couldn’t get back to working the same hours afterwards. I struggled severely. Many nights I couldn’t fall asleep at all or not until 4-5 am in the morning. This went on for weeks. I had ringing in my ears off and on. Terrible migraine’s. I was experiencing stress and anxiety and I didn’t know what was happening to me neurologically. (I could physically feel it!) I physically felt like I was is constant fight or flight and couldn’t turn it off. Then around 2-3 months later my hair started shedding and falling out by the handfuls. I felt like I was losing my mind after this. I just didn’t feel normal like I was before I got sick. I had always been healthy, strong immune system, ate healthy, took vitamins and herbal supplements. (I didn’t get the vaccine). I just tried doing everything right. But I’ve really suffered with these neurological symptoms the most. Then our family was hit with Covid a 2nd time, 8 months after the first time (April 2022). I did another round of IVM for the 3rd time since Sept. 2021. Took the vitamins too. Now recently since January 2023 I’ve started to implement and follow the “Medical Medium” protocols. I bought Anthony William’s newest “Brain Saver” books and “Cleanse to Heal” and for the first time my hair has stopped falling out. My migraine’s are becoming less. My rash flare ups are less. Fingers crossed but I feel like it’s starting to move the needle in some ways. He explains how major viruses like Coronaviruses and Influenza viruses weaken the immune system in a way that allows other viruses in the body to take hold and wreak havoc. His brain shot “recipes” feel very nutritious and healing. I just started drinking celery juice daily and I feel like it’s still to soon to tell, but every day I’m learning and trying. I know healing takes time and everyone is different. I’m open to anything that anyone might suggest that’s helped them. I hope and pray that anyone one who’s suffering may find some relief too.

  13. Mark Bricca, ND, MAc Avatar

    I am finding that supplemental neurosteroids (e.g. pregnenalone and progesterone), can be quite supportive when neurological symptoms (brain fog, memory impairment, difficulty concentrating, etc) are a prominent long-Covid feature. I have seen some good symptom improvement with dosing oral micronized pregnenalone (Allergy Research Group) at 100mg each day in the morning. And 100mg compounded oral progesterone, taken before bedtime, has been helpful when there is insomnia present that seems connected to underlying neuro-inflammation.

  14. Brianne Rooney Avatar
    Brianne Rooney

    Hi, I’ve had immune system dysfunction since Covid. To degrade cytokines and spike proteins, I use Nattokinase and high dose ascorbic acid. Both have helped a lot.

  15. daniella Avatar

    50mg ivermectin per day make my long haul completely go away.

  16. Kristen Race Avatar
    Kristen Race

    I’ve been healing from mold and long covid for 1.5 years. Finally started making progress after taking itraconazole (natural binders/antifungals didn’t work for me) and recently I’m doing the low dose nicotine patch protocol and my brain fog is practically gone and I’ve had more energy than I’ve had in a very long time. I hope it sticks. I’m also going to experiment with peptides BPC-157, TB4-FRAG, and KPV to help with inflammation and healing.

  17. Marsha Avatar

    I had a nagging cough for a few months after COVID. I finally got rid of it after going to a doctor who did one frequency specific microcurrent (FSM) treatment for COVID long-haul.

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1 Ravlo E, Evensen L, Sanson G, Hildonen S, Ianevski A, Skjervold PO, Ji P, Wang W, Kaarbø M, Kaynova GD, Kainov DE, Bjørås M. Antiviral Immunoglobulins of Chicken Egg Yolk for Potential Prevention of SARS-CoV-2 Infection. Viruses. 2022 Sep 26;14(10):2121. doi: 10.3390/v14102121. PMID: 36298676; PMCID: PMC9609661.

2 Dilokthornsakul W, Kosiyaporn R, Wuttipongwaragon R, Dilokthornsakul P. Potential effects of propolis and honey in COVID-19 prevention and treatment: A systematic review of in silico and clinical studies. J Integr Med. 2022 Mar;20(2):114-125. doi: 10.1016/j.joim.2022.01.008. Epub 2022 Jan 31. PMID: 35144898; PMCID: PMC8801981.

3 Guenezan J, Garcia M, Strasters D, Jousselin C, Lévêque N, Frasca D, Mimoz O. Povidone Iodine Mouthwash, Gargle, and Nasal Spray to Reduce Nasopharyngeal Viral Load in Patients With COVID-19: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021 Apr 1;147(4):400-401. doi: 10.1001/jamaoto.2020.5490. PMID: 33538761; PMCID: PMC7863011.

4 Ahn JW, Jang SK, Jo BR, Kim HS, Park JY, Park HY, Yoo YM, Joo SS. A therapeutic intervention for Alzheimer’s disease using ginsenoside Rg3: its role in M2 microglial activation and non-amyloidogenesis. J Physiol Pharmacol. 2021 Apr;72(2). doi: 10.26402/jpp.2021.2.04. Epub 2021 Aug 6. PMID: 34374655.

5 Tanikawa T, Kiba Y, Yu J, Hsu K, Chen S, Ishii A, Yokogawa T, Suzuki R, Inoue Y, Kitamura M. Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2. Molecules. 2022 Aug 24;27(17):5405. doi: 10.3390/molecules27175405. PMID: 36080170; PMCID: PMC9458005.

6 Carey RM, Hariri BM, Adappa ND, Palmer JN, Lee RJ. HSP90 Modulates T2R Bitter Taste Receptor Nitric Oxide Production and Innate Immune Responses in Human Airway Epithelial Cells and Macrophages. Cells. 2022 Apr 27;11(9):1478. doi: 10.3390/cells11091478. PMID: 35563784; PMCID: PMC9101439.

7 Di Marco F, Foti G, Corsico AG. Where are we with the use of N-acetylcysteine as a preventive and adjuvant treatment for COVID-19? Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2022 Jan;26(2):715-721. doi: 10.26355/eurrev_202201_27898. PMID: 35113447.

8 Vijayakumar M, Janani B, Kannappan P, Renganathan S, Al-Ghamdi S, Alsaidan M, Abdelaziz MA, Peer Mohideen A, Shahid M, Ramesh T. In silico identification of potential inhibitors against main protease of SARS-CoV-2 6LU7 from Andrographis panniculata via molecular docking, binding energy calculations and molecular dynamics simulation studies. Saudi J Biol Sci. 2022 Jan;29(1):18-29. doi: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2021.10.060. Epub 2021 Oct 29. PMID: 34729030; PMCID: PMC8555113.

9 Liu Q, Mak JWY, Su Q, Yeoh YK, Lui GC, Ng SSS, Zhang F, Li AYL, Lu W, Hui DS, Chan PK, Chan FKL, Ng SC. Gut microbiota dynamics in a prospective cohort of patients with post-acute COVID-19 syndrome. Gut. 2022 Mar;71(3):544-552. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-325989. Epub 2022 Jan 26. PMID: 35082169; PMCID: PMC8814432.

10 Ng SC, Peng Y, Zhang L, Mok CK, Zhao S, Li A, Ching JY, Liu Y, Yan S, Chan DLS, Zhu J, Chen C, Fung AC, Wong KK, Hui DS, Chan FK, Tun HM. Gut microbiota composition is associated with SARS-CoV-2 vaccine immunogenicity and adverse events. Gut. 2022 Jun;71(6):1106-1116. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-326563. Epub 2022 Feb 9. PMID: 35140064; PMCID: PMC8844967.

11 Huang C, Fei L, Xu W, Li W, Xie X, Li Q, Chen L. Efficacy Evaluation of Thymosin Alpha 1 in Non-severe Patients With COVID-19: A Retrospective Cohort Study Based on Propensity Score Matching. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021 Apr 23;8:664776. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.664776. PMID: 33968969; PMCID: PMC8102900.

This content is health information and not intended as personal medical advice. Viewing will not establish a doctor-patient relationship. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information discussed is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare provider. Reliance on information provided by Dr. Jill Crista, employees, or others appearing at the invitation of Dr. Crista is solely at your own risk.


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  1. NOSODE: I have used COVID nosode from Viatrexx 2 spays 2-3 times a day for about 2 weeks for fatigue and minor symptoms or longer until symptoms subside. It has worked a treat so far! I have not had any severe long COVID cases so far among my patients. I also use it for prevention dosed 2 sprays once a week.

    VITAMIN D: One patient I was referred with severe long COVID had a Vitamin D of 3 (yes, 3) after her acute infection! She is a vegan and lives mostly indoors and has darker skin and lives in the NE (45degress latitude) so she is more at risk for low D. The docs in Boston who were treating her completely ignored it. When I first saw her she could not work and was mostly bedridden. She was skeptical about repletion dosages for Vitamin D since there is so much misinformation out there about toxicity. So she tried a low dose- about 5,000 IU per day. She gradually improved, but I do not believe that she completely improved. She was unwilling to do any more treatment or consultations due to her insurance not covering it.

  2. NOSODE: I have used COVID nosode from Viatrexx 2 spays 2-3 times a day for about 2 weeks for fatigue and minor symptoms or longer until symptoms subside. It has worked a treat so far! I have not had any severe long COVID cases so far among my patients. I also use it for prevention dosed 2 sprays once a week.

    VITAMIN D: One patient I was referred with severe long COVID had a Vitamin D of 3 (yes, 3) after her acute infection! She is a vegan and lives mostly indoors and has darker skin and lives in the NE (45degress latitude) so she is more at risk for low D. The docs in Boston who were treating her completely ignored it. When I first saw her she could not work and was mostly bedridden. She was skeptical about repletion dosages for Vitamin D since there is so much misinformation out there about toxicity. So she tried a low dose- about 5,000 IU per day. She gradually improved, but I do not believe that she completely improved. She was unwilling to do any more treatment or consultations due to her insurance not covering it.

    Vaccine reactions: I have had a number of patients who developed mild to severe reactions to the vaccine, some with longer term consequences. I have used Viatrexx remedies made from Moderna and Pfizer vaccines and from graphene (the delivery system). These have worked usually within a few days to 2 weeks.

  3. Hi!
    I’ve never had COVID but I was recently exposed to black mold. I tried everything to get rid of a persistent fungal infection in my sinuses. It was so bad I was fainting because it was affecting my trigeminal nerves. By continued research and trying different treatments I came upon CitriDrops. It contains grapefruit, lime, tangerine, and lemon seed extracts. I tried just the grapefruit seed extract but it didn’t work. The combination of the four seed extracts is really working! I wanted to share in hopes this will help others.

  4. My teen son has had severe Long Covid almost 2yrs. His symptoms are extreme fatigue, brain fog, hot flashes and insomnia. Thanks for this list!! Is there someone you can recommend in North Carolina or any specific recommendations? We have tried so many things. Thanks!!

    1. DNRS (brain retraining) helps a lot of people with long covid! Among many other health issues. Science of neuroplasticity (also used to help stroke victims learn to talk again, etc.)

  5. I’m going to try the Genestra A-mulsion, but is that dose correct? 10ml = 2 tsps, which would mean 2 tsps of liquid in each nostril each day. Just want to confirm that I’m understanding correctly.

  6. I have used nicotine gum with success for recovering from Covid. It is also known to help if people lose their sense of smell. Nicotine gum – four times per day for a week – crack the gum then lodge it next to the gums. This was something I learned from listening to Dr. Bryan Ardis.

  7. Eureka just released their database, some pretty interesting results:

    If you sort on “% Significantly Improved” interesting to see carnivore diet and apheresis at the top of the list. Also highly-ranked are fasting, serrapeptase, HBOT, maraviroc, ivermectin, niacin.

    Also sort on “% Worsened”… alcohol and caffeine are at the top

    @Dr. Crista – this page you built is great! Consider adding a “things that make people worse” section.

    As for me, Ivermectin provided a significant benefit within a few days, but I didn’t take it for very long and some of the symptoms came back. I probably should have taken it longer, or/and a higher dose. I found Maraviroc helpful when I did the full dose for 6 weeks (2nd try). The first time I only did a half dose for 2 weeks and didn’t notice much. HBOT was helpful. 4-day fasting with celery juice and bone broth (dinner only) was helpful. Liver/gallbladder cleanses have been helpful. CDS has been really helpful, the best I’ve felt for sure was on CDS. 1 month on nigella sativa was helpful (I never tried raw honey but that sounds like a good combo). CoQ10 has been helpful, and niacin, and lions mane. Glutathione and NAD suppositories have helped.

    REMOVING alcohol and caffeine (soo sad) has been helpful for sure.

  8. I had Covid that lasted five weeks in January 2021. The symptoms were a bad cough…BAD, and lightheadedness anytime I did any kind of movement. I was taking heavy doses of natural supplements suggested by my naturopath. After eight days of hard coughing, she suggested prednisone.
    That knocked 90% of the cough out in three days. I’m sure the supplements helped, but I needed the prednisone for the cough. She also gave me a couple water treatments that helped. One was very noticeable. Get a towel that will cover you from hip bone to neck, soak it with cold water, then ring it out. Take a hot shower, don’t burn yourself, get out and pat dry…fast. Have your bed ready. Get in bed, lay on your back, cove your upper body with the towel and pull the covers over you. Lay there for 20 minutes. It sounds like a lot, but the results had me going back every day. When I was done, the lightheadedness was gone for most of the day, or until I did something physical.
    My recommendation is prednisone for the cough, and water treatment for lightheadedness. Another thing, when you think you’re better, you’re probably not. Give yourself extra time, and come back slowly..

  9. I have had long covid for 3 years. Initial symptoms included heart issues (palpitations, tachycardia, POTS), “brain fog” (cognition impairment, visual cortex issues, memory problems), mood issues (deep depression, anger, anxiety), sleep issues; GI issues, fatigue, severe histamine intolerance (MCAS) and ringing in the ears. 

    Prior to long covid I was very healthy.  Tests during long covid showed my ANA was positive for RA; an echocardiogram showed I had blood clots in my heart; during palpitations I had an aFib heart rhythm; my blood brain barrier was “leaky” (covid has been shown to break down the BBB and enter the brain);  and I had a moderate amount of black mold in my system.

    I have been working with multiple functional, naturopathic, osteopathic, doctors along with acupuncture.  Right now I estimate I am 80% better. My remaining symptoms are mood (“lack of joy”, anxiety), ringing in the ears, some lower GI issues and increased inflammation in my joints.  Here are things that have helped me on my healing journey, in the order I tried them.
    Identifying and avoiding food intolerances reduced my heart palpitations.

    Started Amy Myers AutoImmune supplement stack (from her Autoimmune solution book). 

    I have tried several probiotics, and although I am sure they were helpful I can’t say I noticed any direct benefit.

    Added electrolytes, which helped my POTS.

    Used a FitBit to monitor sleep, heart rate and heart rate variability.  Worked on my sleep including taking melatonin and 5htp, going to bed early, wearing a sleep mask. 

    Did cold soaks in the river (during the summer). Helped my tachardia.

    36 hour fasts every other week. Helped lower my heart rate.

    At this point cardiologist scans (MRI, CT) showed the blood clots in my heart were gone and it was healing. The cardiologist agreed to not do blood thinners or beta blockers as long as my palpitations (and associated aFib) continued to decrease. A follow on echocardiogram and heart stress test indicate my heart is now functioning normally.

    Low Dose Immunotherapy helped until I had an immune challenging event a month later (food allergy cross contamination) which caused my long covid symptoms to flare. Additional LDI didn’t help and showed my immune system was over-reacting to other “leftovers” in my system, including lyme.

    Did a 2 week course of Fluvoxamine (as specified by the FLACC). It really helped my brain fog for a while.

    H1/H2 blockers gave me some relief early on, but stopped working as my MCAS got worse.  I tried a low histamine diet for several months. It prevented histamine issues, but any small deviation caused a flare.

    The MCAS, ANA and LDI results were all evidence my immune system was upregulated (something that is documented to be an issue for many people with long covid). About 18 months into Long Covid I decided to do a prolonged water fast to help “reset” my immune system and heal the blood brain barrier. I did an 18 day medically supervised water-only fast followed by acupuncture focused at healing the blood brain barrier. About 6 weeks after the fast my brain fog started going away and my histamine sensitivity was gone.  My ANA has tested negative twice in the last year (after testing positive 3 times in the first 18 months). My symptoms have remained improved for a year.

    I did a mold detox with a functional Dr (and using Crista’s Break The Mold book) for 6 months. Note that my visual cortex issues influenced by the black mold had already gone away after fasting as my blood brain barrier healed and was able to keep the toxin out.

    My remaining symptoms point to autonomic nervous system dysfunction from being in “fight or flight mode” for 3 years and neural inflammation from covid and the black mold. I have started low dose naltrexone and am looking to add some polyvagal therapy (the Safe and Sound Protocol) to help get out of the “fight or flight” mode.

    1. Hi Troy! Did you ever faint? I think the vagus nerve plays a vital part in that. Did you have your cervical spine checked for vagal compression? Any loss of taste and smell? You have been through the ringer. I survived covid okay 2 years ago with the exception of taste and smell. Then a subsequent flu has messed me all up again. Thanks for telling your story.

      1. Got light headed while fasting, which is common. Was careful standing up and never fainted. I agree the vagus nerve is vital. Never got checked for vagal compression. No loss of taste and smell at all. I had a lymphatic massage while fasting and that therapist told me that several people suffering from loss of smell had improvement after lymphatic drainage massage on the face to help clear cellular debris. Something to consider.

  10. I’ve been dealing with long Covid syndrome since September 2021. (The past 19 months) My entire family had tested positive via PCR testing. I was the last one in my family of 5 (ages 13 to 65 yrs old) to come down with symptoms over the course of a week. We all started IVM when our tests came back positive. None of us have been vaccinated. I felt extreme exhaustion and fatigue, was winded and out of breath, my back was sore and achy, had nausea/vomiting and really bad sinus inflammation/congestion (no mucus was present, just dry). No headache, no fever, no coughing but my oxygen levels were really good at 98 the entire time. By the end of the third week I was still feeling exhausted and out of breath, and wasn’t improving like the rest of my family. And that’s when new symptoms started presenting themselves. I developed a mild rash on my chest, neck, face and upper back and started having difficulty falling asleep. Never experienced insomnia before ever in my life (I’m 42 yo). I worked full time in the pharmacy and couldn’t get back to working the same hours afterwards. I struggled severely. Many nights I couldn’t fall asleep at all or not until 4-5 am in the morning. This went on for weeks. I had ringing in my ears off and on. Terrible migraine’s. I was experiencing stress and anxiety and I didn’t know what was happening to me neurologically. (I could physically feel it!) I physically felt like I was is constant fight or flight and couldn’t turn it off. Then around 2-3 months later my hair started shedding and falling out by the handfuls. I felt like I was losing my mind after this. I just didn’t feel normal like I was before I got sick. I had always been healthy, strong immune system, ate healthy, took vitamins and herbal supplements. (I didn’t get the vaccine). I just tried doing everything right. But I’ve really suffered with these neurological symptoms the most. Then our family was hit with Covid a 2nd time, 8 months after the first time (April 2022). I did another round of IVM for the 3rd time since Sept. 2021. Took the vitamins too. Now recently since January 2023 I’ve started to implement and follow the “Medical Medium” protocols. I bought Anthony William’s newest “Brain Saver” books and “Cleanse to Heal” and for the first time my hair has stopped falling out. My migraine’s are becoming less. My rash flare ups are less. Fingers crossed but I feel like it’s starting to move the needle in some ways. He explains how major viruses like Coronaviruses and Influenza viruses weaken the immune system in a way that allows other viruses in the body to take hold and wreak havoc. His brain shot “recipes” feel very nutritious and healing. I just started drinking celery juice daily and I feel like it’s still to soon to tell, but every day I’m learning and trying. I know healing takes time and everyone is different. I’m open to anything that anyone might suggest that’s helped them. I hope and pray that anyone one who’s suffering may find some relief too.

  11. I am finding that supplemental neurosteroids (e.g. pregnenalone and progesterone), can be quite supportive when neurological symptoms (brain fog, memory impairment, difficulty concentrating, etc) are a prominent long-Covid feature. I have seen some good symptom improvement with dosing oral micronized pregnenalone (Allergy Research Group) at 100mg each day in the morning. And 100mg compounded oral progesterone, taken before bedtime, has been helpful when there is insomnia present that seems connected to underlying neuro-inflammation.

  12. Hi, I’ve had immune system dysfunction since Covid. To degrade cytokines and spike proteins, I use Nattokinase and high dose ascorbic acid. Both have helped a lot.

  13. I’ve been healing from mold and long covid for 1.5 years. Finally started making progress after taking itraconazole (natural binders/antifungals didn’t work for me) and recently I’m doing the low dose nicotine patch protocol and my brain fog is practically gone and I’ve had more energy than I’ve had in a very long time. I hope it sticks. I’m also going to experiment with peptides BPC-157, TB4-FRAG, and KPV to help with inflammation and healing.

  14. I had a nagging cough for a few months after COVID. I finally got rid of it after going to a doctor who did one frequency specific microcurrent (FSM) treatment for COVID long-haul.