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Vulneraries Part 2

Vulneraries are herbs that assist with cell turnover.

When a virus infects a cell, the only way to stop the virus from replicating or spreading to neighboring cells is for the body to kill off that sick cell, and let a new healthy cell replace it. This means that we need nutrients and growth factors that support cell turnover as part of our whole infection-fighting process.

If we have slow cell turnover, we can get micro clots as the body tries to protect the area working to make the new replacement cell. In these situations, it’s helpful to have herbs that not only help with cell turnover, but that also thin the blood.

Meet Red Clover!

This magical roadside “weed”, known by its Latin name Trifolium pratense, has many benefits for this time. It’s a vulnerary, meaning it assists with making fresh new replacement cells on any epithelial border, including the mucous linings of our respiratory passages, the linings of our blood vessels, and our skin. It also has blood thinning capacities, reducing micro clots. It’s rich in nutrients and antioxidants. And if that wasn’t enough, it’s being used in combination with chemo for certain cancers.

Holy Moses!

This is yummy as a tea especially if harvested while flowering. In Wisconsin, that’s mid-summer. Use 1 tablespoon per cup of water. It can also be used as a tincture, typical adult doses are 15 drops with meals. You can also harvest a bunch when it’s flowering and dry it on a simple clothes drier for a few weeks, then store in a mylar bag for use all year.

This medicinal herb is very sensitive to Roundup, so make sure to find a field for wild crafting that’s unsprayed.

Mohsen A, Fatemeh K, Leila N, Mona P, Mohammad Z, Mozafar K. Pharmacological and therapeutic properties of the Red Clover (Trifolium pratense L.): an overview of the new finding. J Tradit Chin Med. 2021 Aug;41(4):642-649. doi: 10.19852/j.cnki.jtcm.20210324.001. PMID: 34392659.


Vulneraries Part 2.

Alright, another star of the show in this time is Red Clover. Here we go. Right here. It’s often found on roadsides. It’s often found in my yard because I don’t pull it. I use it for medicine. 

Amazing, amazing plant for this time. It has blood thinning capabilities and is a vulnerary. It actually is one that has such strong blood thinning capabilities that doctors do warn if you’re on blood thinning medication to talk to your doctor because you might have to have a lower dose of your medication by taking Red Clover or Trifolium pratense.

This one is so yummy to take. It can be taken as tea. It can be taken as tincture, glycerite, put into capsule. It’s one of those that I combine with Plantain, which we just talked about, I will put this together with Red Clover and then Cleavers, which we’re going to talk about next, and this helps with the vulnerary action which helps to replace viral-infected cells.

Why does that work? Because if you have Carol who’s been in accounting for 30 years and she can impart all of her amazing, brilliant wisdom to Emily who’s new on the job, this is the cell-to-cell transfer of knowledge. If you don’t have vulnerary action and you have a lot of virus particles that your body is trying to kill off, there will be turbulence. There will be turbulence causing more clotting. That’s what turbulence or eddies do, they cause things to run into each other. They cause inflammation. So what we want is ideally strong plants in the vulnerary capacity but also like Red Clover that has anticoagulant activity, as well. 

The unsung heroes of our time. I’m hoping that this helps you. These plants are beautiful gifts for us. And this is the perfect time to get out here and have a little taste. Also if you take a little bit of the top, that little white part right there, tastes like nectar.

Break the mold, take back your health.

*This content is health information and not intended as personal medical advice. Viewing will not establish a doctor-patient relationship. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information discussed is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare provider. Reliance on information provided by Dr. Jill Crista, employees, or others appearing at the invitation of Dr. Crista is solely at your own risk.